Unlike civilizations where environmental conditions and processes of the human body burial treatment favored conservation some specimens, the best trace-c-most common conditions for study d old skeletal remains are the Mexicans, if forgotten that several sources written account of diseases and remedies that there was the arrival of Spaniards, or that certain representations plastic-mail: farmers and pictorial features anómak-evident that medicine today may well be associated with facial paralysis, tuberculosis, goiter, and other foot equinovaro congenital deformities.
Today specialization anthropologist discipline and application of new techniques and scientific resources to move beyond the conventional bone analysis to diagnose diseases of the past. Anthropologists and specialists in physical anthropology skeleton (bioarchaeology and forensic osteology) have extensive knowledge about the physical and moan i fed the ancient inhabitants of Mexico, but also about their suffering congenital infectious, metabolic and geriatric.

Without neglecting the cultural diversity of the pre-Columbian Mexico, the magic-religious cause of death or the representativeness of the archaeological record for the different cultures, researchers have postulated as a theme common diseases associated with the natural cycle of life and death particularly those related to childbirth (puerperal fever), children (diarrhea, respiratory infections, burns from heat and difficulty breastfeeding) and aging (arthritis and osteoporosis).
In general terms, not far from the optimistic narrative of the chroniclers of the sixteenth century, it is considered that Mesoamerican societies were able to establish a balance with their environment, like other contemporary civilizations in the world, reached an acceptable expectation living close to 40 years. We also know that developing preventive and curative treatments for their ailments, which behaved in a stable judging by the low incidence of infectious disease epidemics and the absence of antibiotics.
According to the archaeological record of the physical evidence, all the common diseases in different eras and cultures of ancient Mexico often grouped as follows:

Metabolic Osteopatologías
Diseases such as screening or espongiohiperostosis orbital (abnormal growth of porous bone in the skull or the eye orbits), dropsy (ascites or accumulation of fluid in the womb), dental enamel hypoplasia, subperiosteal hemorrhage and inflammatory reactions in long bones are related to lack of nutritional elements, and in the pre-Hispanic mark a clear distinction between social classes, as demonstrated by studies of bones of Mayan leaders, describing the privileged individuals who reached heights and ages of above the average.
Dysplasia and congenital disorders
Among these have been documented cases of congenital spinal deformation (or gibosidad hump) and the iconography is rich in representations of supernumerary fingers and dwarfism in the Mayan culture or the Aztec, standing Bot (or equinovaro because pisa at an angle imperfect, leading to "zambas legs") were regarded as extraordinary attributes. A genetic disorder is the recent registration weakens you spondylitis (spinal fusion and progressive joints) that can be seen as a hereditary ruler in the dynasty efe Calakmul.

Direct exposure to bacteria, fungi and viruses justifies Bronchopulmonary infections) gastrointestinal versions commonly represented in graphic documentary evidence, however, symptoms and bone injuries more serious infections, like tuberculosis and syphilis, pre mummies in the Cave de la Candelaria. Extended occupation and exploitation of resources in the tropics have suggested proliferation of cutaneous leishmaniasis and Chagas' disease in pre-Hispanic times, but not leprosy, malaria and yellow fever, which are recorded only after the Spanish Conquest.
Rheumatic diseases
Osteoarticular effects, such as arthritis deformans wear, have been identified in several pre-Hispanic populations as a result of practices that promote physical labor specialization. Less common is osteoporosis by degenerative aging, perhaps because it relates to life expectancy, but has recently drawn attention to the identification of both the suffering and the skeletons of Pakal Reina Roja, long leaders of Palenque.

Injuries and wounds
The effects of external trauma, muscle contractions and some wounds in skulls, arms, legs and ribs were found in bone collections of several archaeological sites, which are a common disease in young male population, perhaps because their ability to participate in war activities . Most injuries are consolidated and reclaimed in life, although cases have been reported "in the aftermath of osteomyelitis infection of the bone marrow, following a traumatic couple.
Dental diseases
I teeth and kept their containers often better for
skeletal remains are very useful for the identification of health problems in general. They reflect both the quality of food as chewing habits and poor oral hygiene, in the old Mexican, causing cavities, alveolar abscess, loss of teeth, tartar buildup and tooth wear.
Although less factual support also may assume the existence of other diseases that also leave traces in the bones, as craneoestenosis (premature closure of cranial sutures) and tumors by abnormal growth of bone and tissue, and "diagnose" representations goitre, scurvy, anemia or chronic lead epidemiological references in tropical regions, or interpret mortal ills caused by fright or sorcery.
While scientific research has helped to validate the presence
of such diseases in several Mesoamerican cultures, can not say the same about the medical practices of prevention and cure. Those relating to society Aztec only documented in the chronicles and drawings of indigenous and Spanish authors, as seen in the magnificent illustrations of the Codex Florentino.
Dr. Bernard Ortiz de Montellano considers the Aztec culture, like other non-Western medicine, managed to develop a personal physician and naturalist, but influenced by a particular religious worldview magical emotional forces which played a key role in operation of men.
The support of the health system was a full knowledge of the human body, strengthened by eating a balanced diet with protein and the provision of public infrastructure for the supply and removal of waste and drinking water. The moral precepts of balance, moderation, exercise and performance of duty were also essential to preserve the physical health.
According to the Aztec world, there were at least three mental forces in the human body: tonalli related to the sun and concentrated on the crown; teyolía equivalent to the "soul" and is located in the heart, and ihíyotl, located in the liver . The involvement of any of these forces could cause illness, insanity or death. From a personal point of view, the problems were caused by supernatural entities, not human or sorcerers, sending epidemics killed, sick people or to damage caused by spells. "The remedies against diseases inflicted by the gods were the confession, the offering or [...]
Atonement, "while the procedures for witchcraft magic mentions Ortiz de Montellano, who also said that the careful observation of nature allowed the Aztecs discovered the benefits of medicinal plants and make them." His treatment of the injured exceeded andalusia much used by Europeans [...]; surgery was quite appropriate [...] Trataban fractures, drained abscesses and lesser forms of practicing plastic surgery. "
Scenes embodied in the Florentine Codex show healing of fractures and dislocations with dust and splinting cucucpatli; treatment of head injuries based on urine and saliva of maguey matlaxihuitl to heal, the healing of bruises and swelling with herbal ointments; the implementation of blood to reduce the swelling from falls; huitztli drink to relieve pain by bites, urine or hot lizards ground for chest injuries, and the use of the following maticéhuac for nosebleeds. Maybe now is not so obvious, but the acceptance and practice of traditional medicine is derived largely from the knowledge and beliefs of the ancient inhabitants of our territory.

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The alcohol, also called ethanol, is a chemical compound that can be obtained in various ways, mainly by the fermentation of sugars derived from plants and grains. The earliest records are from the fermentation of fruit are in the year 800 BC, in Arabia, then in the Middle Ages used the alcohol derived from the fermentation of fruit to cure disease.

At the same time it began to be used as medicinal and religious purposes, diversified sources of which was obtained alcohol, to encompass a wide variety of fruits and grains and is mixed with different ingredients to create a variety of alcoholic beverages. Currently, the main use of alcohol is recreational, and together with the snuff is the legal drug that is sold around the world.

The amount of alcohol that is ingested in beverages is highly variable. It ranges from relatively low-alcohol beverages such as beer, in which for every 100 milliliters of liquid, between 4 and 7 are my alcohol-to-distillates such as tequila, mezcal or the whiskey, whose concentration alcohol is 40 'per 100 milliliters.
Alcohol has many effects on various organs and apparatuses of the human body. Due to their chemical characteristics, is absorbed rapidly in the stomach and small intestine, so soon after reached a high level of alcohol in blood, as well as other effects on the body. Although alcohol has an effect on virtually all of the bodies, devices and systems, the most important are the changes that occur in the brain and behavior in the cardiovascular system and the liver.
Alcohol has important effects on the esophagus and stomach, as it directly harms the layer of mucus that protects them, and also causes lesions in the outer layer of cells in the mucosa, which favors the occurrence of ulcers and gastritis.
In the brain, changes caused by alcohol are directly proportional to the dose that is ingested, and become completely opposite: low doses cause a state of joy that comes to the euphoria, while high doses cause drowsiness, sleep and even state of coma or death (see box). The amount of alcohol that causes the symptoms varies, as each person is processed in a different way: there are people with very little data are experiencing alcohol poisoning, while others may consume large amounts without apparent symptoms of severe alterations.
The consumption of small amounts of alcohol in several of its forms, wines, beers, liquors, has been shown to have beneficial effects on health, since it helps process fats and stimulates the digestive system and brain. However, consumption of high doses of alcohol is associated with an increased risk of many diseases, and with a greater likelihood of having an accident.
Alcohol abuse is very serious consequences, not only physical but mental and even social. One is that the body needs ever larger amounts to achieve the desired effects felt, which means that levels of alcohol are increasingly unsafe and toxic. Alcoholism is when an individual can not control himself the amount of alcohol consumed and can not help but take up almost lost consciousness. It is a public health problem because it causes serious damage to the health of individuals and affects society where they live. The intoxication with alcohol is a problem that may endanger the life of an individual; for the treatment of these cases there are drugs to counteract the effects of alcohol and thus reduce their toxicity. In such cases, it is always necessary to go to a hospital to seek professional care.
Eye with the breath
In recent months, in many cities throughout the country have introduced measures that include road loss by detecting people who are operating a vehicle driving in a state of drunkenness, with the "breath". With this simple measure has prevented many traffic accidents, mainly the dawn of the holidays. What is done is to subject the driver of the car to a simple test in which he blows into a device that measures the level of alcohol is in the air leaving their lungs, the level of alcohol in the blowing is equivalent to the level blood alcohol level, and from a certain point it is considered that such a person can not drive a car, as his reflexes and his mental state in general are not optimal and may cause an accident (see box). The breath does not measure the level of alcohol is in your mouth, so the use of pills or gums to try to fool the device is useless, since what is detected is the alcohol that comes from the lungs.
Methanol, danger in sight
It is a compound very similar to alcohol, not only in terms of molecular, but also physically: both lack the color and evaporate and dissolve in water easily. Despite their strong similarities between these two composites exist very important differences, the main one is that if the methanol comes in contact with the agency (either the skin or ingested in adulterated drinks) cause alterations in blood and irreversible damage in The retina of the eye, causing blindness. 15 enough to cause my blindness, and between 70 and 100 to cause my death if the patient does not receive timely care. Methanol is cheaper than alcohol, so it sometimes is used illegally in the production of alcoholic beverages to lower costs and increase profits. So it is very important not to take drinks that are not bottled and labeled properly.
The alcohol from the pharmacy is not for drinking
Many times we think that alcohol that is sold for clinical use (at pharmacies), also called alcohol 96, "you can drink and did not: even if it is derived from sugar cane (such as rum and some spirits), the industrial process in which it is subjected during its production is to add a highly toxic substance (the glutaraldehyde) to be able to produce large quantities quickly. This type of drinking alcohol can cause irreversible damage to the liver and kidneys.

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The old man is likely to suffer from certain evils that sometimes go unnoticed or are misdiagnosed, and that are linked with sight, hearing and mastication. This affects not only their physical well-being, but also on the psychological and social.

The integrity of the human body is the basis for the organs and systems work properly, and the mouth is no exception. To have teeth in good condition is not only important for chewing and well nourished, but also has an important role in the aesthetic appearance, the mechanism of language and the quality of life. The mouth may be a reflection of the health education of the person, their nutritional status and certain systemic diseases as well as the means to help identify adverse reactions to multiple drugs. In this time of life are also presented taste disorders, among which the candy is the least affected, followed by salting. In exploring the oral cavity, it should examine the color and appearance of the mucosa, the existence and condition of the teeth, if there are injuries or sores, the surface of the tongue, in addition to the quantity and the smell of saliva. If the person uses dentures, it must be correct. The cleaning of the oral cavity should be carried out with products that antiplaque, along with proper brushing is the best way to prevent problems such as gingivitis and periodontitis. With regard to dental caries, it's best to clean house with fluoride rinses, and go every six months to a dentist dentobacteriana remove plaque and tartar. A mouthwash antiplaque, followed by a full brushing and flossing, it really prevent plaque from accumulating. With tablets revealing plate can be identified and overcome the shortcomings of brushing.

The ear
Too often older people have hearing problems, and this is extremely important because it predisposes to isolation, introversion and feelings of distrust. It is common for hearing loss are caused by problems in the outer ear, like hardened wax seals that have the potential to fill the external auditory canal; growth of hairs in the ear canal, the stiffness and dryness of the walls. These are problems that are detected by means of physical examination and are corrected easily. Because the skin of the external auditory canal is very thin and sensitive it is easy to hurt her, so a specialist is to conduct the cleanup in the ears of the elderly. We should not use swabs to clean them, then cause the wax is compacted and hurt the skin of the external auditory canal and the tympanic membrane, nor should it get water into your ear during bathing.

Besides altered taste and hearing, according advancing age is also affecting the sense of smell. The nose must be evaluated for symmetry, felt its structure, note the mucosa and humidity, whether the septum is aligned and whether the permeability of the graves is correct. The nose is clean cutting vibrio-ment (hair) of trenches and clearing secretions with the help of swabs, tissues and perhaps physiological saline to facilitate the procedure.
Although one should not exaggerate the cleanliness of natural orifices because it can injure the skin or mucous membranes, it is important to bear in mind these hygienic measure to avoid the problems mentioned.

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The theme of madness has been present throughout human history, although its concept and definition have evolved in line with culture and society. Has been dealt with philosophical approaches, mystical-religious and, since relatively recently, doctors. But each of these viewpoints has tried to fool them differently, either Honoring their disease related with the demonic-possession which leads to the purification through the exclusion or death of the patient and, in the latter case , Isolating it in homes or hospitals to ensure order.
These different conceptions have left footprints in culture and social representations that still remain. Not for nothing yet there is a feeling of fear and rejection of insanity and, indeed, its scientific study is fairly recent.

But what is normal? In reality it is only what is right or seen is well accepted in general by a particular society, community or group. Consequently, if it is something normal that we accept because we see it every day and which we are familiar, is not it possible that all we were crazy because we see as normal insanity of others? It would not be anything crazy to think so, because it is easy to live normal if we are assuming that we have as reference what is abnormal, or madness. Having a clearly defined line of what is madness lets us engaged as if nothing and no others see us badly.
Do not fool is one who lives believing that what is normal although it is not? So we are all fools and only those who call themselves "normal" living with a costume that allows them to move through this world without guilt or criticism of any part of the "normal" out there. Therefore what is considered madness is changing over time, such as seasonal clothing, because once we got used to view and hear it, simply ceases to be to turn everyday, what is right.
What a dull life would be without a little madness! Who knows what crazy is not so much for the sake of understanding what it does, and who ceases to be normal is when the "normal" consider him crazy.
In everyday language, the word must be crazy to be one of the most widely used; certainly employ the young people to be recognized as peers, older people to discredit one another, and comes from pearls to describe something creative, out-of-the common; it is curious that we miss by a term used to describe people who are sick of mind.
"From poets, scientists and we are all a little crazy," says popular wisdom, and often we check in our life when we recognize ourselves in them a little bit rational.
And there is psychiatry, the medical discipline that takes nearly two centuries to deal with mental illness, classifications, treatments and definitions, to the point that there are no movie or soap opera that has not a character psychiatrist or priest. They and their speech are located in the history of film and television as bearers of reason, almost half of the fair. Practically we know that when tangling and untangling of the plot are in full swing, see any doctor or psychologist that restores calm and wisdom. Neither does lack speak, because the subject is able to convey to viewers the beleaguered peace and tranquility itself "from who knows", which is not entangle leaves, which reinstalled the reason. Because of that appears to treat one of the themes of madness: the crazy and sane, of reason and unreason, and there are up to the blessed issue of limits: how far reaching the realm of madness, how far the madness, irrationality?
It is ironic that history is replete with characters whose follies did change its course, which was later recalled by all, less for his mental illness, among them Salvador Dalí, with his assertions, such as: "the crazy world we live in The sane living in the world of others, for us the time does not exist, but it is essential for sane; the crazy life we live in the manner in which we dream, the sane have to think ten times what they will say; We act according to our instincts, the sane for convenience; fools believe the reality, the sane are those who live it, everyone speaks alone, but while we do it out loud, the sane do it in silence for fear of to listen; madmen do not need money, for the sane them ever reached, the crazy travel to other universes, the sane are afraid to leave the land, we feel free, but the sane always bent on encerrarnos. "
Psychiatry is the medical science that is dedicated to serving and treating, mental illnesses, which are many and would be long list. However, we can mention schizophrenia, which has been listed as a synonym di madness. One example is the patient whose symptoms; manifested psychotic delusions and hallucinations with which Dios was still sends the message to "save the world," and that his mental disorder feet generates multiple conflicts in the family, what condition be placed in psychiatric hospitals, given s poor therapeutic adherence .. His mental state has started to improve by giving treatment, the symptoms you rem and restored their coherence and their consistency, as to the ability to view, which allows difference, between what real and the unreal.
There is also the case patient's neurotic, PEI shoots pessimistic and catastrophic c which is not able to cope with the hardships of daily life. Integrated into a psychotherapeutic process and, if necessary with psychopharmacological treatment, you can recover your mood.

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The Hairs

11:09 PM | with 0 comments »

The hair covers almost the entire surface of the skin except the palms, soles, lips, nipples, navel and the third phalanx of the fingers. In the men were found in abundance in the skin scalp, armpits, the pubis, the eyebrows, eyelashes, the area of the beard and mustache; in women and children is thinner in the black race is over thick; at puberty makes its appearance in the pubic and armpit, and it is also thick, is thinning the eyebrows and eyelashes. In all the areas it serves as protection: the head guard us from the sun and injuries; those of the eyebrows and eyelashes, in addition to covering up the sun, prevent foreign particles entering the eyes, in the armpits and the pubis reinforcing the smell of sweat.

Why do some have more hair than others?
Race and legacy determine the amount, texture and color of hair, which can be Lazio, ripple or Woolly and vary from blond to black, going through different shades of brown, for example, Asians tend to have Lazio; of the Blacks tend to ripple, and based on inheritance, will be populated village or very low.
The hair may suffer various abnormalities, such as androgenetic alopecia, a hereditary problem, as well as the so-called premature baldness, according to statistics from the United States, is very common, because the patient approximately 50% of men and 25% of women. While in Mexico there are no statistics on the subject, represents an important reason for medical consultation.
There are other factors involved endocrine disorders, such as hypothyroidism, polycystic ovary syndrome and ovarian tumors, as well as syndromes of Addison and Cushing also certain drugs can cause or increase shedding of hair, as heparin, cyclophosphamide, The I-totrexato, colchicine, azathioprine, combined oral contraceptives, etc., including pregnancy cause changes in the amount of hair, because on the one hand increases during this period, and on the other, their downfall is increased after childbirth. It also
may result in shortages: malnutrition, deficiency of essential fatty acids such as linoleic acid and alpha-and iron deficiency, in addition to metabolic problems such as kidney failure or liver.

When growing?
The hair of the eyebrows, upper lip and the beard begins to train the nine weeks of gestation, when the seeds Pilosus originates primary, which is increasing day by day to create the hair follicle, then form the stem Hair.

When it falls?
The life cycle of hair is divided into three stages: the first is the growth period, called anágena phase, which lasts from two to six years and the second is a transitional phase in which the follicle idle for two or three weeks ; Finally happens the stage of hair removal, which lasts two to three months, telógena call, when it is pushed by the new. It is known that each hair follicle produces about 20 throughout its existence and that in total there are about 100,000 hairs on a healthy scalp skin, of which usually are lost from 50 to 100 a day, while simultaneously being others grow, so there is always more or less the same amount.
Keep or delete
It is appropriate to keep the hair because, as already mentioned, is a protection. We need to keep as healthy as possible, hygiene and good food, trying to avoid the aggressive agents. Eliminate causes of skin disorders at the scalp, because it brings more sun exposure, which are problems that it is easy to see in those who do not. Such is the case with androgenetic alopecia, which increases the susceptibility to develop skin lesions that are unprotected, these changes ranging from coloring-like spots of brown-and premalignant lesions such as actinic keratosis, until skin cancer .
Currently, about aesthetics and tends to remove the hair from various areas of the body, but you have to take into account that if we have is for something, because it has a specific function in his body, protecting it.

¿Shave or pluck?
Although shave is easy, economical, fast, painless and safe, the result lasts very little. Only in a matter of hours or days is a tip rome even thicker, so that women tend to reject this method to get rid of the hair. Side effects are postinflamatoria hyperpigmentation (darkening of the skin on that site), the pseudofoliculitis, contact dermatitis, as well as small erosions and abrasions.
Pluck is a more lasting way to get rid of the hair for days and even weeks, because it is removing the hair follicle. The most common method is to wax, is generally used in the form of hot or cold strips that are placed over the area you are going to pluck and then withdrew in the opposite direction to the direction in which hair grows, the pseudofoliculitis process can cause folliculitis or infectious.
With tweezers pluck the hair by hair is pulled or groups of them, this method is used especially in the eyebrows and face, and it's simple, cheap and fast.
The concept of permanent hair removal is seen as the significant reduction, stable and sustained hair. It was practiced by means of laser devices that require the assessment of the patient before application. To get it is due to go to a specialized center, where professionals perform these procedures in repeated sessions to achieve a satisfactory result. The method is expensive, but over time the price tends to fall.

A lot indicates hair disease?
Too much hair in an area of the body not normally pilosa is a disorder that is called hypertrichosis and can be congenital or acquired, localized or generalized. A disorder that affects women is hirsutism, which is defined as excessive growth of hair in a pattern typically masculine, such as in the upper lip, cheek, beard, the anterior chest, breasts, the lower abdomen and groin region. Is the result of excessive secretion of androgens in the ovaries or the adrenal glands or the stimulation of a pituitary tumor. That is why cases of severe hirsutism and progressive should be studied jointly by an endocrinologist.
What about the ears?
Sometimes shows growth of hair in the ears, which is known as hypertrichosis handset and is usually in older men, AIDS patients, infants, children of mothers with diabetes and patients with diabetes mellitus.
Usually cut with scissors is removed with tweezers ov uprooting of pluck, the problem is to re-grow, like those emerging in the nose.

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What are the rich nopales! What if accompanied with some charolitos? These foods are good for young and old and should integrate our eating habits. The nopales correspond to the group of vegetables, while the charales of the meat, both give variety to the menus and Mexico are accessible to all budgets.
The nopales are an excellent vegetable to accompany our favorite dish: stews, soups, tlacoyos, weighing, eggs, beans, avocado and what is happening to us, because they are a real luxury for the palate. Are recommended to prevent and control health problems such as high levels of fats in the blood, diabetes and hypertension, among others. When you eat any meat with high fat content, add nopales to reduce its absorption.

In the closing years of last century resurfaced interest in nopales as a source of food and health, so it has not only increased their consumption fresh, but dried, as a complement to preventive medicine. At present many countries the most.
The charales are a great source of calcium and protein, contain no cholesterol or saturated fat, such as meat, are rendidores, and combined with nopalitos are a very nutritious dish that protects the cardiovascular health due to their low in saturated fat and cholesterol and, in the case of the nopal, because of its high fiber content.
In addition to seasonal fruits and vegetables, legumes (beans, lima beans, lentils, soy, beans) and moderate amounts of foods of animal origin, include nopales charales and in their food, keep an appropriate body weight for their height, do 30 minutes of exercise a day, do not smoke and sleep eight hours a day. You see what is going to feel good!

The Nopal
No doubt the prickly pear is one of the wonders of nature, as well as its flavor and versatility, has few calories, which come primarily from complex carbohydrates. Provides a minimum amount of protein and fat free. It is rich in vitamins A, C, some B complex (riboflavin and vitamin B6), minerals such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron and copper and fiber, which is one of his main qualities.
Fiber is the portion that is not digested the food, there are two types: soluble and insoluble. The first consists of gums and mucilages pectin, which forms a gel in the intestine that absorbs and reduces their time emptying, and reduce the rate of absorption of glucose and cholesterol in the blood. For its part, the insoluble fiber speeds the passage of stool by the gut and increase the quantity and frequency of bowel movements, which combats constipation and helps prevent certain types of cancer, especially colon. In addition, two before eating grilled nopalitos favor the control of appetite and help weight loss, but is not recommended in bucodentomaxilares problems, dysphagia, and esophageal varices, it can cause abdominal distension, flatulence and heartburn, is banned in diarrhea, malabsorption syndrome, surgery, intestinal resection and in preparing for radiological studies and endoscopic colon, and excretory urography in diets with minimal waste.
The nopales can eat raw or cooked and combined with eggs, pepper, poultry, or seafood soups. They are sold in escabeche, dehydrated, brine and jam, as well as shampoo, soap, cream, capsules, tablets, syrups, sweets and juices, among others.

Nutrition information 70 grams of prickly pear
Carbohydrates: 3. curettage
Protein: 1.0
Fat: 0.2 grams
Kilocalories: 15
Dietary Fiber: 3.2 grams
Vitamin A: 146 mg RE
Ascorbic acid: 4.5 mg
Iron: 0.9 mg
Potassium: 93 mg

The dry charal
Since the pre-Hispanic times charales play an important role in feeding the Mexicans: they are small fish from fresh water and clear, silvery white, about 5 cm in length, and are sold fresh or dried. The latter was dewatered in the open and then undergo a high concentration saline in order to keep them up to a year.
In addition to being rich in calcium, potassium, phosphorus, sodium, iron, magnesium, iodine, niacin and vitamins C, E, B and A, essential in the development of the nervous system, the charales nuts contain protein of high biological value, low fat , No carbohydrates and a large amount of omega 3 oils. For its lean and easily digested can be included in slimming regimes and the people convalescing, in addition to helping to reduce levels
cholesterol and heart disease, provided they are prepared steamed, baked or roasted, because capearlos increase the calories and fat.
For its high sodium content are not recommended for patients with hypertension, even in cases of cirrhosis, renal insufficiency or damage and hyperuricemia. It should not consume those who suffer from gastroparesis, intestinal fistula, diverticulitis, esophagitis, or those with allergies to shellfish.
Prior to prepare them should soaked and softened to remove excess salt. Then they removed the head, washed carefully and are prepared in various forms, with nopal, with potatoes in green sauce or Morita, you can make pancakes with sauce with egg, in tamales, capeados or coated with lime as a snack.

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Many traditional medicines used honey to cure various ailments, and it is not surprising, because we know that since 2 500 years ago the man had consumed various purposes. Since the ancient Egyptians and, on this side of the world, several Mesoamerican cultures had found its properties, especially the healing of wounds.
At various points around the globe has been used to prevent contamination of wounds, treat mastitis in dairy cows, cure peptic ulcers, gastroenteritis to alleviate and control the tub.
Currently one of the peculiarities of the honey that attracts more research universities and laboratories around the world is its power antibiotic course.

Sweet as honey
The honey is composed mainly of glucose and fructose, in addition to water, but contains other sugars (including maltose, sucrose, Turan, isomalt and maltulosa), acids, proteins and minerals.
Since it is a "sweet" high in fructose, honey under certain conditions tends to absorb water. For that reason often used in some bakery products to extend its "shelf life", as it maintains the moisture of the food.
But those are not their only nor the most admirable features:
As a sweetener, honey can replace sugar, contains about 69% of glucose and fructose. It is a source of energy: the honey provides 64 calories per tablespoon, an amount greater than that provided by sugar cane, which provides 50 calories per tablespoon. • It's easy digestion.
Improving the performance of those who do so much physical exercise as the athletes, helps maintain stable levels of glucose in the blood, the recovery of muscles and the restoration of glycogen after training.
It is said to be a source of vitamins and minerals, although recent studies show that the quantities of each other and are so small they are not significant.
It batericida and fungicide. Applied on wounds promotes the recovery of injured tissue and serves as an antiseptic.
Softens the skin. Combined with milk, honey has a softening effect.

Crystallized honey
There are many myths on how to recognize the pure honey bee, on the crystallized honey and whether it is possible to heat it or not. According to our investigations, many honeys that are sold in shops and supermarkets have been boiled and filtered for delaying the crystallization process, which is perfectly normal, but apparently it destroys some of their nutrients. Crystallized honey is not defective, no wax is dissolved and no sugar.
If the preferred liquid, simply place the bottle in a bowl with hot water (not in a water bath), or let alone is founded, as if it were butter, at untarla on hot cakes, bread or other foods hot.
Not recommended for heating in microwave or directly on the stove because it is easy to burn and its flavor is altered.
The case of antioxidants
It is nutritious and non-nutritive substances that can delay or inhibit oxidation, or neutralize the damaging effects of free radicals. The body suffers the effects of oxidative stress, responsible for the increase in cardiovascular disease and cancer, among other ills.
Research shows that honey contains numerous phenolic and non-phenolic antioxidants, whose quantity and characteristics are heavily dependent on the source from which it originates floral honey. The darker honeys usually have higher content of antioxidants, honey clearer.

Baby, refrain
Honey may contain Clostridium botulinum spores that cause infant botulism, a terrible disease that affects the nervous system of babies under one year and a half old. These spores are scattered in the atmosphere, and tend to accumulate in dust, soil and food badly packaged. The immune system of adults and children older than 18 months, in general, already has enough defenses to combat them, and that these spores become harmless when subjected to heat, for example, to manufacture food in ovens, toasters and rosticeros, to name a few.

In search of truth
In recent decades have been conducted numerous studies to determine the veracity and extent of the alleged power of honey antiseptic, especially in the treatment of wounds. In some textbooks healthcare shown that honey has antimicrobial properties, which promotes wound healing without encouraging the formation of crust, deodorizes the wounds that have a foul odor, stimulates the regeneration of tissues and, more importantly, keeps the wound hydrated , Which in many cases, it is important to prevent the new tissue is deformed.
The most recent studies have been conducted at the Research Unit of the Honey of Waikato, New Zealand, and the Christie Hospital in Manchester, England. In this latest study, from 2006, the application of honey for cancer patients to promote a swift recovery after surgery.
In these studies has been able to determine that honey inhibits a broad-spectrum of bacteria capable of causing an infection, and some fungi.
As to its composition, Honey is a super-saturated solution of sugar, of which 84% is a mix of fructose and glucose, while the water is only between 15 and 20% of their weight. The explanation for the antibacterial action is that the interaction of molecules of these sugars with water molecules would leave very little of the latter available for microorganisms.
Although certain types of yeast survive in some honeys with higher water content, with which the honey-decomposes, it is so scarce that is not enough to sustain any life form, even if the water content is lower than 17.1 % Fermentation is not possible.
Also, honey is undiluted acid half, with a pH of between 3.2 and 4.5, which is another factor that inhibits the development of many pathogens (such as Escherichia coli, Salmonella sp.; Pseudomonas aeruginosa, 4.4; Streptococcus pyogenes). However, we must take into account that body fluids can dilute the honey and thus increase its pH.
But, apparently, the most important reason for which the honey has an antibacterial effect is that as a result of the activity of enzymes containing the bee, which occurs in a gland called hipofaríngea and serves to transform the nectar of flowers -, Honey produces hydrogen peroxide. This, which in nature is to preserve, allows that when t honey is diluted and change the pH, succeeding complex chemical formulations that result in the production of an antiseptic which can kill bacteria but without damaging the tissue.
As if all this were not enough, honey has antibacterial yet another mechanism based on photochemical, which is supposed to come into action under conditions where the former could be disqualified, for example, because of the heat. The latter mechanism has not been studied yet.

Will try?
There have been tests on wounds that did not respond to usual treatments based on antibiotics and antiseptics; the result, in almost all cases, was that honey was very effective to fight infection and promote healing quickly.
Although apparently honey from certain plants had a higher antibacterial activity than others, so far this has not been verified. But the researchers point out that while not everyone will discover the secrets of the honey is used with caution and be careful and constantly monitor the evolution of the wound, and try to detect by other means any sign of infection. It is also necessary to replicate as many times as necessary when the body fluids lost. In any case, the honey that is used to treat wounds, burns or other injuries should be kept in a cool, rather cold, and away from light.
Either way, scientific studies indicate that not all honeys have the same antiseptic power, and it has been studied only a few among the thousands of varieties of honey, so that we can not yet say that this is a remedy infallible.

Keep your treasure
If preserved in an airtight container with lid, honey can remain unchanged for decades and even over hundreds of years, but will depend on the conditions of storage. In general, you may lose your scent, which will crystallize, it becomes tasteless or all three. Most of the honey brands that offer their products in supermarkets down a shelf life of two years, but we all know that can last much longer.

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