The acne

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Acne is a skin disease that can last a long time and is characterized by the presence of lesions known as "grains", "mud" or "shin", medically called comedones. Has an important impact physical, psychological and social whom he suffers.
The causes of acne are varied, and is now accepted that the factors involved in its appearance are genetics, race, age, diet and hormone levels, mainly from the so-called "sex hormones, which are the responsible for changes in the body during adolescence; also knows that the presence of some microorganisms on the skin (fungi and bacteria) is important for the occurrence of the disease.

Acne is a very common condition, eight in ten people suffer at least once in their lifetime. The largest number of cases of this disease occurs in adolescents (between 12 and 18 years old), and is slightly more common in men than in women, one in four consultations in dermatology are due to this disease, Much of the impact on the appearance, image and self-esteem of patients, and more for teenagers, who are in a phase that is characterized by the need to create an image of itself and break into social relations.

The comedones
Each hair or hair from our body has at its base, into the skin, a gland that secretes an oily substance used to lubricate the skin and to protect them from microorganisms. The comedones (mud or shin) are produced by the accumulation of fat from the sebaceous glands and the increase in the number of bacteria and fungi in the affected area, which remain trapped at the base of the hair, all this is accompanied by an immunological response system SPO (inflammation) which involves the appearance of inflammatory lesions with pus.
The areas of the body most often affected are the face, chest and back. The severity of acne is highly variable and can range from a few minor injuries on his face to extensive areas of the body where injuries may occur distorting.
Ideally, the diagnosis of acne you should do a skin specialist (a dermatologist), to investigate all the factors that may be affecting the patient, as well as to rule out that this is another disease that also produces comedones, as can be Some reactions by the use of medicinal or cosmetic creams, in most cases the physical examination and questioning are enough to make the diagnosis, that is, that rarely require other methods (laboratory studies, biopsy, etc.) to established.
Due to its origin and because it is a multifactorial disease of long duration, for the treatment of acne should be taken several steps, including changing the habits of hygiene and application of local treatment on the injury, should also combat the production of fat the skin with specific drugs and prevent bacteria or fungi that might be involved in the disease spread, managing specific antibiotics.
Self with creams or lotions can give good results in the short term, but for the definitive treatment for acne should consult a dermatologist to indicate the treatment and follow up the patient.

Acne rosacea or ¿?
Not to be confused with acne rosacea, which recently disclosed serious publications has also been misnamed Rosillo. Rosacea is a chronic disease of the skin, unlike acne, it does not affect primarily the pilosebaceous follicle. While still discussing its causes, which appear to be a combination of many factors, it is assumed that one of the most important is the involvement of the microcirculation in the skin of the face, which gives it its distinctive reddish inflammation of a small the skin. Rosacea is more common among women than among men, and mainly affects between 40 and 50 years, so it is believed that another factor associated with it may be hormonal, because at this stage usually start the changes leading to the menopause. It seems that, aside from being a component of genetic predisposition, rosacea is more common among those who have suffered injury from exposure to ultraviolet rays, for example, burns from the sun.
Why worsens acne?
By the action of some drugs, mostly steroids, like cortisone, the B-complex or contraceptives.
• On the pressure that occurs when you squeeze (tweak) the comedones.
• For the friction with the clothes.
• For hormonal changes: menstruation, puberty, menopause.