According to data from INEGI, Mexico 18% of the couples-which added nearly 1 500 000 - face a cause of infertility, it is thought that a couple has problems of infertility when she tried to conceive a child naturally so least one year of having sexual relations without any contraceptive method. It's primary has never been achieved when a pregnancy and previous pregnancies when there is secondary. The pace of life today has implications for couples who choose to wait before having their first child. On average, women professionals in Latin America is pregnant for the first time between 26 and 29 years of age, whereas in Europe it is up to 35 years.
However, the possibility of pregnancy to 35 years is half of which is 25, because the quantity and quality of sperm and egg cells diminishes over time in line. It has been noted that of all the problems of infertility, 25% are causes male, between 20 and 30% are for ovarian disorders, 15 to 20% by tubal disorders, from 5 to 10% by cervical dislocation and rest (5 to 10%) for various causes. It is estimated that 100% of cases of infertility, more than 90% have solutions to some treatment of assisted reproduction.